Calvary East
Churches are not only defined by what they believe (see our Statement of Faith), but also by how they practice those beliefs in all that they do. The guiding principles behind these practices are often called a philosophy of ministry.

These are some of the principles that shape our ministry.
our approach to
Humble Confidence
We seek to show absolute confidence in God and the words that he has given us in the Bible. We do not hesitate to address any biblical subject, even if society considers it offensive. Yet we also aim to speak God’s truth with love, grace, gentleness, and humility.
Simple Clarity
We teach the Bible verse-by-verse. Some passages are easy to understand, but others can be very challenging. Nevertheless, we make every effort to speak in simple terms and use vivid illustrations that someone without a church background can grasp.
Reasonable Balance
The Bible calls church leaders to refute error and we believe that the best way to do this is to engage with opposing views in a balanced and reasonable manner.
our approach to
Church Life
Church as Family
We work to create a multi-generational family atmosphere as we gather, encouraging everyone, young and old, to reach out, care, pray, and serve.
Thoughtful Music
We encourage everyone to participate in singing praise to God in our worship gatherings. We select songs that are singable that help us reflect on the truths we are learning in our study of his Word.
Purposeful Activity
We take a simple approach to activities and events, staying focused on meaningful Bible study, prayer, and fellowship.
our approach to
Our Community
Meeting Needs
We are always looking for strategic ways that our church family can meet pressing needs in our community.
Working Together
We support and work with various Christian organizations that impact our local community.
Emphasizing the Gospel
Our priority in everything we do is to proclaim the good news of Christ’s saving work to all people.