Sources for Knowing God | 2 Peter 1:12-21
Peter directs us to three authoritative sources that we should rely upon for knowing God: (1) the apostles' teaching; (2) the apostles' witness; and (3) the prophetic word. This sermon is part 3 of "A Fisherman's Truth," Bryan Craddock's series of verse-by-verse sermons on 2 Peter.
Commitments of Knowing God | 2 Peter 1:5-11
Peter calls everyone who knows God to make three commitments: (1) be diligent not negligent, (2) be fruitful not forgetful, and (3) be sure not stumbling. This sermon is part 2 of “A Fisherman's Truth,” Bryan Craddock’s series on 2 Peter.
Privileges of Knowing God | 2 Peter 1:1-4
Peter helps us grasp three privileges granted to every believer through our relationship with God: (1) an equal faith, (2) a full knowledge, and (3) a glorious calling. This sermon is part 1 of “A Fisherman's Truth” Bryan Craddock’s series on 2 Peter.
Christmas Prophecies | Seeing the Light
The wise men and the star fit into a prophetic thread about seeing the light from four perspectives that lead us to worship God: (1) the power of light, (2) the knowledge of light, (3) the guidance of light, and (4) the life of light. This sermon is part 4 of Bryan Craddock’s “Christmas Prophecies” series.
Christmas Prophecies | The Birth of the King
The prophecies of a coming king reveal seven implications for our lives: (1) obedience, (2) forever, (3) judgment, (4) peace, (5) service, (6) repentance, and (7) anticipation. This sermon is part 3 of Bryan Craddock’s “Christmas Prophecies” series.
Christmas Prophecies | The Little Town of Bethlehem
Bethlehem is a stage that tells a powerful story of change through twelve different scenes: (1) grief, (2) worldliness, (3) idolatry, (4) wickedness, (5) hopelessness, (6) surrender, (7) grace, (8) strength, (9) hope, (10) trials, (11) praise, and (12) persecution. This sermon is part 2 of Bryan Craddock’s “Christmas Prophecies” series.
Christmas Prophecies | The Woman's Offspring
The prophecy of the woman's offspring reveals four truths about God's plan that give us hope in dark times: (1) the problem of evil, (2) the promise of blessing, (3) the presence of God, and (4) the power of salvation. This sermon is part 1 of Bryan Craddock’s “Christmas Prophecies” series.
Experiencing Peace | Philippians 4:4-9
Paul reveals five habits that enable us to experience God's peace: (1) Rejoicing, (2) reasoning, (3) requesting, (4) redirecting, and (5) retraining.
Stories of Grace, Love, and Peace | 1 Peter 5:12-14
Peter mentions three people whose stories display the impact of grace, love, and peace: (1) Silvanus, (2) Mark, and (3) She Who is at Babylon. This sermon is part 13 of "A Fisherman's Passion", Bryan Craddock's series on 1 Peter 2:11-5:14.
A Different Kind of Strength | 1 Peter 5:5-11
Peter presents four commitments of a radically different kind of strength: (1) submission, (2) dependence, (3) resistance, and (4) endurance. This sermon is part 12 of “A Fisherman's Passion”, Bryan Craddock's series on 1 Peter 2:11-5:14.